Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sheet search

After last weekend's painful bed assembly, I never thought that sheet shopping would pose a bigger challenge. But alas, I'm a duvet girl living in a bed spread country.

Sure, I grew up like every other red-blooded American, with a quilted bedspread. Mine? Reversible... neon yellow on one side, and lime green on the other.

But in Australia I discovered the doona -- better known in Europe as the duvet.

The duvet serves the same purpose as the bed spread but it invites messiness. There are no corners to fit, no wrinkles to smooth out. A puffy, lumpy, rumpled duvet is completely acceptable. Which is why I wanted duvets for the kids' beds.

But Americans are wedding to the quilt, the comforter, the bed-in-a-bag. And as I visited store after store, I found only a few duvets in the sea of bed spreads.

And what I found was too hotel-like:
too busy and floral:

or too... hideous:

or nauseatingly juvenile:

I couldn't believe the number of lunch breaks I wasted traipsing through stores and the evenings spent trolling the internet. For kids' bedding, of all things! Nearly a week sapped on sheets! In desperation I nearly fell into the Pottery Barn pit, but I couldn't stand paying that much for bedding that the kids would snot on, drool on, and god-knows-what-else-on. Hell, Martin and I don't pee in our bed and we don't have expensive bed linens.

Finally when all hope was lost, I discovered normal sheets in basic blue and pink with duvet covers. And at a snot-worthy price. They don't match the rest of the room, but what does?

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