Wednesday, November 11, 2009


For the past week or so, I've been the victim of a vicious cycle: muck stalls, roust kids, go to work, feed/bathe kids, pass out on couch, go to bed.....muck stalls, roust kids, go to work....

My lap top has been abandoned -- keeping dust bunnies company beneath my bed or buried under a stack of bills on my desk -- it's little energy saver light blinking like a beacon in search of life form.

Sorry folks. I could blame daylight savings or stress at work or manic kids feeling the confines of winter approaching -- whatever the cause, I've been in hibernation mode this week.

We will return to your regular programing, already in progess, asap.

1 comment:

  1. Ist like havinf dental surgety only not as musch fun...don't try to drivw whne takinf apim nedicatoin
